
Introducing SimpleStabilityThe Next Generation of Ship Stability Assessment Software Released

SimpleStow ver.2.6 releasedNew and improved version of SimpleStow is available for download

Another SimpleStow MilestoneCollection of published SimpleStow ship models has surpassed 500 ships.

SimpleStow is Getting SmarterIntelligent container recognition during the cargo list synchronization

SimpleStow GC ver.1.3 is releasedUpdated version of general cargo planning software is available for download

SimpleStow as a BAPLIE viewerUse SimpleStow as a container EDI messages viewer, processor and converter

SimpleStow GC ReleasedGraphical general cargo stowage planning software is available for download

New version of SimpleStow is publishedVersion 2.3.2 of container stowage planning software is available for download

SimpleStow Complies with SOLASNew version of SimpleStow provides means to enter and process Verified Gross Mas

Bahri Expands SPS LicenseBahri GC expands Autoload SPS license with arrival of new ships

SimpleStow ver. 2.2 is publishedUpdated version of SimpleStow is now available for download

Delivery of 4 loading computersLoading computers delivered to 4 CSM multipurpose sister ships

Release of SimpleStow ver.1.0The first version of SimpleStow container stowage planning software is released!

Autoload for AAL BrisbaneAMT has delivered loading computer software for m/v AAL BRISBANE

SimleStow Ver.2 Released
We are very pleased to announce today the official release of revised and improved SimpleStow version 2.0 – our flagship software for container stowage planning and data processing.
Since release of the first version of SimpleStow the program steadily gains popularity: over 500 individual and corporate customers have already registered and downloaded the software.
We followed their priceless feedback and practical suggestions as the guideline in further development of the program.
Along with general improvements and bug fixes the updated version offers several new and useful functions. The most noticeable of them are:
- Added function to import and export MOVINS – one of standard EDIFACT container stowage messages.
- Added capability to import and render bay plan from structured text and Excel (CSV) files as an alternative to BAPLIE. Useful when your partner terminal or agent has no means to produce and provide you with BAPLIE.
- New function to apply filter and hide containers in the bay plan on the screen and in the reports, and when exporting BAPLIE messages. Useful when you want to see and report only relevant containers matching user-defined criteria.
- Additional options in custom report formatting to add and resize company’s logo and manipulate quality of bay plan reports.
- Improved logic when importing BAPLIE in an existing bay plan with preliminary stowed containers.
We invite our existing and new customers to download and try new version of SimpleStow.
For more information visit SimpleStow Overview page.