
Introducing SimpleStabilityThe Next Generation of Ship Stability Assessment Software Released

SimpleStow ver.2.6 releasedNew and improved version of SimpleStow is available for download

Another SimpleStow MilestoneCollection of published SimpleStow ship models has surpassed 500 ships.

SimpleStow is Getting SmarterIntelligent container recognition during the cargo list synchronization

SimpleStow GC ver.1.3 is releasedUpdated version of general cargo planning software is available for download

SimpleStow as a BAPLIE viewerUse SimpleStow as a container EDI messages viewer, processor and converter

SimpleStow GC ReleasedGraphical general cargo stowage planning software is available for download

New version of SimpleStow is publishedVersion 2.3.2 of container stowage planning software is available for download

SimpleStow Complies with SOLASNew version of SimpleStow provides means to enter and process Verified Gross Mas

Bahri Expands SPS LicenseBahri GC expands Autoload SPS license with arrival of new ships

SimpleStow ver. 2.2 is publishedUpdated version of SimpleStow is now available for download

Delivery of 4 loading computersLoading computers delivered to 4 CSM multipurpose sister ships

Release of SimpleStow ver.1.0The first version of SimpleStow container stowage planning software is released!

Autoload for AAL BrisbaneAMT has delivered loading computer software for m/v AAL BRISBANE

Introducing SimpleStability
In the ever-evolving realm of marine operations, where precision, affordability, and ease of use are paramount, the demand for advanced yet intuitive tools is more critical than ever.
Responding to this need, we are excited to announce the launch of SimpleStability, a cutting-edge loading computer software crafted primarily for NVOCC agencies, shore-based marine operations, marine surveyors, and stevedoring companies, providing them with a powerful yet affordable solution that simplifies complex operations of controlling parameters of ship’s seakeeping.
SimpleStability goes beyond expectations by offering a seamless, user-friendly experience while delivering precise and accurate results.
Key Features:
- Custom Ship Models: A built-in model editor application allows users to effortlessly create custom ship models for stability assessment, by copying and pasting easily accessible data from the ship’s Loading Manual.
- Intuitive Graphical Interface: The visually engaging and easy-to-use interface clearly displays the loading status of ballast and utility tanks, ensuring that users can quickly assess the ship’s condition.
- Real-Time Interactive Operations: With the ability to manipulate tank contents using graphical plans or tables, users can easily adjust fill ratios, weights, and volumes while monitoring the ship's hydrostatics and stability parameters.
- Comprehensive Monitoring: Along with the prominently displayed critical parameters of stability and floating status, such as GM, drafts, BM and SF, the program provides real-time static stability and longitudinal strength diagrams, extensive set of hydrostatic parameters, continuously comparing the controlled values with safe operational limits specific to the current loading condition.
- Detailed Reports: SimpleStability offers a range of common loading and stability reports to help users maintain compliance and ensure optimal operations.
Notably, SimpleStability can be seamlessly integrated with the SimpleStow and SimpleStow GC cargo planning applications. This integration enables real-time control of the ship's stability and floating status parameters in the process of cargo stowage planning, providing a holistic and reliable operational view, making it an essential tool for any operation concerned with marine safety and efficiency.
About SimpleStability: SimpleStability is developed to serve as a cost-effective and comprehensive solution for marine professionals who need accurate and real-time stability control without the complexity and hefty price tag of traditional systems. With its advanced capabilities and intuitive design, SimpleStability offers a new standard for modern marine operations.
For more information about SimpleStability or to obtain a demo, please visit the SimpleStability Overview page or contact .